Syracuse University | Fall 2022 | Instructor: Prof. David Shanks | Prof. Hannibal Newsom

    Our client, Brady Farms, plans to build an urban agritourism center that may include a farm-to-table restaurant, teaching kitchen, temporary housing, and other projects. Our studio will use Brady Farms’ proposed urban agritourism center as its primary investigative project and location. Our main design concept is to integrate architecture into the fields. Because the pattern of the field is a linear space (for easy planting and picking), my partner and I wanted to design the form of the building to be linear as well, so it could be better integrated into the field. The best way to do agricultural tourism is to live in the fields, so we designed some housing spaces in the fields to facilitate learning about agriculture.

Picking Range

    The data of the picking range has an important relationship to the building as a whole, with different crops being planted at different distances, and with the picking behavior of the farmers.

Cultivation Radius

    By investigating the planting radius and picking a range of different varieties of crops, it is possible to derive the most effective planting plan in different situations, and this research can influence the environmental design of buildings as well as farmland.

Food Production Process

Farmhouse + Agricultural Land Relationship

Farmhouse + Agricultural Land Diagram

Farmhouse Circulation Diagram

Cultivation Radius

Ground Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Roof Plan
Roof Plan
Parapet Wall Detail
Parapet Wall Detail
Window Wall Detail
Window Wall Detail
Footing Detail
Footing Detail
Ceiling Detail
Ceiling Detail
Landscape Design Detail - Plan & Section
Landscape Design Detail - Plan & Section
Planting Bed Detail
Planting Bed Detail
Water Feature Detail
Water Feature Detail
Typical Ground Detail
Typical Ground Detail
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